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Grass Roots War on Poverty

Alice H Amsden

…Irrigation and rural electrification are required to facilitate economic diversification into non-agricultural work. Yet irrigation and electrification require central political coordination and application of modern science and technology. Centralized decision-…
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Rethinking Economics: Downs with Traction

Stuart Birks

…literature, including writing by Adam Smith on rhetoric (deliberative eloquence) in political debate, and the significance of propaganda was recognised in the 1940s. Modern approaches to political processes, agenda setting,…
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Revisiting Arab Socialism

Ali Kadri

…state compressed wages, lifted its protection of national industry, set single exchange and interest rates and opened up trade and capital accounts with the intention of readying cheapened national resources…
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…more space is really needed to make the main points. The Editors may ask that a paper is made concise before it is put online in the Discussion Forum. The…
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Call for Papers: Tax Havens

…tax havens, and companies are increasingly shifting profits through Bermuda, Luxembourg, the Cayman Islands and other such offshore jurisdictions. The best guesses suggest that there are approximately 60 secrecy jurisdictions,…
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